Standout LGBT Books

Hey guys!

In case you weren’t aware, today, June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 states. In honor of this momentous decision, I thought I’d share some LGBT (and one book about an intersex girl) books that I loved, along with some that I haven’t gotten to, but they’ve been highly praised throughout the community. Like always, covers will be linked to Goodreads unless I happen to have a review up.

none of the above

Now, this book doesn’t deal with same sex couples. However, None of the Above is a heart breaking tale of Kristin, who finds out that she is intersex. NOTA was one of the most eye opening books that I’ve ever read, and I felt like it deserved a spot on this list.

simon vs the homosapiens agenda

If you love your protagonists on the sassy side, Simon is the book for you. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda follows a teenage boy, Simon, and his journey through high school as a not so openly gay teenager. Simon tackles what it’s like to come out to friends and family. This is a five star read with an adorable love story and lots of heart warming family dynamics.

more happy than not

Shamefully, I haven’t been able to read this book yet. However, the YA community has been singing it praises. According to most, this is the heart wrenching story of Aaron, who falls in love with another boy, Thomas, in a neighborhood where homosexuality isn’t exactly the most accepted thing. Aaron must decide if he wants to turn to the Leteo Institute, which offers a memory relief procedure that could not only make Aaron forget Thomas, but forget himself entirely.

under the lights

This is another title that I haven’t read, but have only ever heard good things about. Under the Lights follows a lesbian romance in show business. Everyone I have talked to praises Dahlia Adler’s writing and her ability to craft awesome characters and stories.

everything leads to you

This book is currently sitting on my “to read soon” shelf. Everything Leads To You is another lesbian romance that deals with show business (I see a theme developing here..) that I’ve heard some stellar reviews on. I hope to be getting to it soon.


I’ll round out this list with a title that I haven’t completed yet, but I have started. When I received this ARC in the mail, I knew I’d really enjoy it. So far, I was right. What We Left Behind is the story of two girls, Toni and Gretchen, who have been in a committed relationship with each other since high school. They’ve always been the golden couple that all of their friends aspire to be. When the girls go to two different colleges, they begin facing issues. For one, Toni, who identifies as genderqueer, begins hanging out with a group of transgender classmates and they immediately hit it off. Toni begins to wonder if Gretchen could ever really understand this part of her life, and Gretchen begins to feel left behind and excluded. This book tackles the topic of gender identity, and what happens when someone’s gender identity begins to shift. The publication date on this title is October 2015.

Those are some standout titles in YA LGBT literature today. Ranging from hilarious and heart warming to poignant and heartbreaking, LGBT lit is beginning to become more and more common in YA today. So, what are some of your favorite LGBT titles? Have you read any of the books on my list?


  1. All of these happen to be on my TBR! I really can’t wait especially to read More Happy Than Not, Simon vs, and None of the Above. I kept telling myself I’d get to reading them but never did. 🙂 Great list!


    1. I’m really hoping to get to More Happy Than Not soon. I have a feeling it may steamroll my emotions though. Lol. NOTA affected me so much emotionally that it made my stomach upset to read some of the cruelty that the MC went through. On the other end of the spectrum, Simon made me grin, flail, and “AWEEEEEEEE” about sixteen million times.

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      1. I own a copy of More Happy Than Not, and I’m aiming to get to it over the summer, hopefully sometime soon! 😉 Probably WILL steamroll our emotions, haha. NOTA seems like an awesome book, then! I’m sure Simon will be a great book as well. ❤

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  2. I haven’t read very much LGBTQ but I do love how more books are being published that represent that community. I have a copy of Simon vs. the Homo-sapiens Agenda and I’m super excited to read it and I plan on delving into some of these titles when they release.


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