Currently Reading/Ramble

This is going to be quite possibly the most random thing I’ve ever posted.

Those of you who follow me on Goodreads and/or Twitter would know that I recently picked up A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray. I’m about 100 pages in, and I’m liking it so far.

I’m actually not reading more than one book at the moment, and anyone who knows my reading habits would know how strange that is.

I have no ARCs, nor am I beta reading anything for the first time in a while, and it’s a strange feeling..

Goodreads says that I’m still reading Throne of Glass, but I’ve actually put it down for entirely unknown reasons. Probably because I attempted to read it during my most recent slump.

I wanted to read my book of Irish ghost stories today, in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day, but that didn’t work out too well. My shelves are still a mess from yesterday (refer to my pleas for help that I posted yesterday if you’re confused) and I have no idea where much of anything is.. I ended up just throwing everything back on the shelves in a semi-orderly manner..

Anyways, I was feeling a little chatty today, so I opted for a more casual post (obviously).  I might not have a post up tomorrow, as I’m going to a concert out of town, and it’ll basically be an all day affair.

With all of that said, what are you guys reading right now?


      1. I’m not too sure you’d like a lot of her stuff, because she writes a lot of witty “bad boys”. I, however, eat that stuff up. 🙂 You know I love me some bad boys, and the sarcasm just adds to it.


  1. seriously I just pulled A Thousand Pieces of You off my shelf to start reading about 10 minutes ago! (But then decided I should maybe put away some laundry and do some cleaning before I sit down and read then look out the window hours later and realize its 3am and got nothing accomplished and should probably be asleep at that point.)


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